Yes. We actually handled

these university cases.

  • Code of Conduct

    Represented student accused of property damage of a dorm, alcohol violations, and possessing a fake ID at public university: successfully argued to student conduct office that student has and will be taking remedial steps and deserves to stay a student. Student permitted to remain on campus and continue education uninterrupted, graduate on time.

  • Academic Misconduct

    Public university student accused of utilizing AI technology (artificial intelligence) to submit essay response in an English course: Advised student through initial procedural questions, obtained an opportunity for a hearing in front of the department Chair to present explanation, with professor present for questioning. Obtained “not in violation” finding, with specific outcome rationale citing unique and compelling defense strategy utilized in hearing.

  • Sexual Assault

    Represented and advised graduate student Respondent at public university accused of sexual assault by two ex-girlfriends: Involvement began before initial interviews through the investigation and ultimate hearing with live cross-examination. Utilized the use of a polygraph expert and report to reach a result of “not responsible.” Additionally, used the same evidence and testimony to reach a resolution on the concurrent criminal investigation resulting in no criminal charges recommended by the assigned detective to the county prosecutor.

  • Fraternity Representation

    Large national fraternity at public university accused of various acts of hazing and alcohol violations by way of an anonymous complaint: represented local chapter in navigating first an investigation launched by the national organization into specific conduct. Successfully closed that investigation with no substantiated findings and was released from interim suspension. Next, advised executive board through conduct investigation initiated by the university, resulting in positive relationship building and development of proper support for next phase of leadership. No revocation, suspensions, or social restrictions suffered by chapter, and no individual charges brought against any member.

  • Harassment Defense

    International graduate student at large public research university accused of non-sexual harassment behavior against another student: Retained after student engaged in multiple unrepresented interviews, however, advised the client to request, prepare for, and clarify existing statements for new interview. Resulted in no disciplinary charges brought forth and case dismissed.

  • Academic Integrity

    Third year student seeking to apply to dental school program following graduation accused of using unauthorized assistance or resources on a final exam: Persevered in investigation, lost first hearing, and filed an appeal based on procedural error that occurred during the hearing. The appeals officer agreed and found an error had occurred, resulting in a second hearing where the student was found “not responsible.” Student could then apply for dental school without disclosing an academic integrity violation, and earn a rightful high grade in the course instead of a failure with necessity to repeat.

  • Sexual Assault Defense

    Public university student accused of sexual assault months before graduation and entering law school: navigated and participated in the several months long investigation and obtained undergraduate degree before hearing was held. Hearing with live cross-examination was held during the summer months, resulting in a finding of “not responsible” on all charges. Student was able to begin law school as planned without any delay.

  • Fraternity Member Defense

    Represented multiple individual fraternity members accused of failing to report hazing by public university: navigated investigation and hearing process to reach individualized results for each client based on independent circumstances, ranging in findings of “not in violation” to other proportionate sanctions.

  • Not Responsible

    College student client at small private university with one semester remaining before graduation accused of pushing his ex-girlfriend at a party at his home. Multiple witnesses alleged to have seen this, all with varying descriptions of what occurred. During investigation, other allegations were added by ex-girlfriend, but later were dismissed due to jurisdictional arguments supplied by client. Client went to hearing on the dating violence allegation; found not responsible, able to graduate on time.

  • Code of conduct

    Student accused of harassment and voyeurism at public university, resulting in an immediate interim suspension from the residence halls: Student attempted to proceed in the investigation without advice and direction from an experienced college student/education attorney. Student was told by conduct office that he was at serious risk of a lengthy suspension or expulsion from the school. Advised student to approach the conduct process with a different strategy, resulting in assessments, counseling, and education to present to the college. Student proportionately sanctioned and able to return to school quickly.

  • Academic Misconduct

    First year student-athlete accused of plagiarizing an essay for a course at a public university: participated in academic integrity hearing, presented a line by line analysis of the passages accused of being plagiarized, where the student attempted citations, and presented defense of improper citing rather than plagiarism. Student found “not in violation” of academic misconduct.

  • Title IX Defense

    First year student at public university accused of having non-consensual sex with another first year student in the dorms: served as Respondent’s advisor, participated in hearing with live cross-examination, assisted student in navigating questioning, and earned a “not responsible” finding.

  • Sports Team Hazing Defense

    Represented sports team at D1 public university through allegations of hazing and alcohol abuse: prepared student leaders for school interviews, gathered evidence in support, and worked with university advisors to coordinate a strategic defense. Resulted in case dismissal prior to formal charges being initiated, and subsequently no criminal prosecution.

  • Roommate Dispute

    Represented first year student at public university in defense of allegations brought forth by scorned roommate: allegations of harassment, public defamation, and theft of personal property were investigated and a hearing was initiated. Cross-examination of complainant resulted in a “not responsible” finding on every alleged policy violation.

  • Academic Integrity & Disability Services Issue

    Disabled undergraduate student accused of academic misconduct for utilizing a cell phone during a closed exam: student was able to demonstrate her accommodations for possessing music or a meditation app during tests, coupled with a detailed and credible discussion of why and how her cell phone was in use during the exam to achieve a finding of “not in violation.”

  • Title IX Informal Resolution

    First year student-athlete at private university accused of sexual assault in his residence hall during the first week of school: Reputational harm from rumors generated and a Title IX complaint filed against him. Able to halt the formal proceedings, enter into an information resolution process, and negotiated no disciplinary action.

  • Fraternity President Advisor

    Represented fraternity in defense of disciplinary charge by public university for holding an unregistered event: served as President’s advisor during investigation and obtained a no-discipline outcome for the chapter and it’s members.

  • Not Responsible

    Following a year-long consensual, committed relationship, client was falsely accused of a numerous undated allegations of rape. Nearly a month after their break-up, the complainant made a Title IX complaint of sexual misconduct, and alleged client raped her more than a year prior, at the beginning of their relationship. Despite a criminal investigation that resulted in no criminal charges, the Title IX investigation ensued. Throughout the year-long investigation, in the face of our persuasive presentation of arguments and evidence, the complainant repeatedly embellished her allegations, and added new allegations. Following a multiple day hearing of cross-examination and presentation of evidence, we won a finding of Not Responsible for the multiple false rape allegations against my client, which enabled him to finish his degree and graduate, avoiding expulsion and loss of tuition payments

  • Fake ID

    Student charged with possession of a fake ID after losing his wallet on campus: an unlucky series of events led to the recovery of a lost wallet which contained a fake ID. Campus security returns student’s wallet along with code of conduct charges. Successfully navigated the investigation process with the university and obtained favorable result.

  • Nursing Student Defense

    Nursing student accused of cheating on an exam during her last course before graduation: assisted student in drafting an appeal after her informal attempts to resolve directly with the school administration failed. Provided new, compelling evidence and authored detailed written appeal which resulted in the school overturning the dismissal and providing nursing degree.

  • Title IX Informal Resolution

    Represented female student accused of sexual harassment by ex-boyfriend at private university, in a Title IX counter-claim against her as a result of her complaint: Entered into private settlement negotiations with Complainant’s attorney to develop a satisfactory agreement in which the parties agreed on mutual non-disparagement clauses and mutual continued enrollment at the university with a no contact provision. Both parties dismissed their respective complaints, resulting in no findings or discipline.

  • 1219 Hearing

    Public university student arrested for an offense of violence that occurred near the university; university referred him for a 1219 hearing to determine if the State of Ohio should suspend the student, in addition to the regular disciplinary proceedings the student was facing as well as criminal proceedings. Successfully navigated the student toward withdrawal due to several benefiting factors, meaning the definition of a student was not met and the 1219 hearing was canceled.

  • Title IX Hearing Win

    Represented college student at large public institution starting with initial investigation through hearing; allegations of non-consensual sexual assault due to alcohol incapacitation, alleging memory loss; found NOT responsible following full evidentiary hearing and cross-examination.

  • And More

    Case results vary by facts, university, and client goals. No representations regarding specific outcomes are implied or guaranteed by this page.

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OHIO Public Universities

The Ohio State University | Miami University | University of Cincinnati | University of Akron | Bowling Green State University | Central State University | Cleveland State University | Kent State University | Northeast Ohio Medical University | Ohio University | Shawnee State University | The University of Toledo | Wright State University | Youngstown State University

OHIO Private institutions

University of Dayton | Antioch University Midwest | Ashland University  | Aultman College of Nursing | Baldwin Wallace University | Bluffton University | Capital University | Case Western Reserve University | Cedarville University | Columbus College of Art and Design | Defiance College | Denison University | The University of Findlay | Franklin University | Good Samaritan College of Nursing | Heidelberg University | Hiram College | John Carrol University | Kenyon College | Kettering College | Lake Erie College | Lourdes University | Malone University | Marietta College | Mercy College of Ohio | Mount Carmel College of Nursing | Mount St. Joseph University | University of Mount Union | Mount Vernon Nazarene University | Muskingum University | University of Northwestern Ohio | Notre Dame College | Oberlin College | Ohio Christian University | Ohio Dominican University | Ohio Northern University | Ohio Wesleyan University | Otterbein University | University of Rio Grande | Tiffin University | United Theological Seminary | Urbana University | Ursuline College | Walsh University | Wilberforce University | Wilmington College | Wittenberg University | The College of Wooster | Xavier University 

OHIO Community Colleges

Belmont College | Central Ohio Technical College | Cincinnati State  | Clark State Community College | Columbus State Community College | Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) | Hocking College | Lorain County Community College | Marion Technical College | North Central State College | Northwest State Community College | Sinclair Community College | Zane State College