SBOE, Office of Professional Conduct Cases
Defense of Educators
Click here for Professional Conduct FAQS | Click here for Representative (Past) Cases
Ohio educators are subject to the Licensure Code of Professional Conduct (the “Code”). The Code contains nine principles that govern the conduct of educators both inside and outside of the classroom. When an educator is accused of violating the Code, the educator is said to have engaged in “conduct unbecoming,” which is an all-encompassing phrase for violating any part of the Code.
As an educator, you could face investigation by the State Board of Education’s Office of Professional Conduct for violating any of the following principles:
Professional behavior
Professional relationships with students
Accurate reporting
Criminal acts
Use, possession, or unlawful distribution of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco
Financial management and improper compensation for personal gain
Commitment to contract
Appropriate and responsible use of technology
At Albeit Masters, we have handled many SBOE (formerly, ODE) investigations and hearings, and this experience enables us to advise you through the nuanced process and the direct and indirect impact of discipline. If you receive a letter from the Office of Professional Conduct that their office received allegations that you may have engaged in conduct unbecoming to the teaching profession, contact us immediately. You have a right to counsel, and you should exercise that right before making a statement or talking to the investigator or staff attorney who wrote to you.
We Can Help.
The attorneys at Albeit Masters, LLC are uniquely experienced in SBOE, Office of Professional Conduct investigations, hearings, negotiations, appeals and ancillary implications such as criminal matters and civil cases.