student group chats:

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Navigating tween, teen, & young adult legal implications for behavior is hard!

As moms, we understand.

As attorneys, we want to help.

Let us PROACTIVELY equip your kid with tools to navigate the real deals; sex, consent, criminal conduct, cheating, academic integrity, & what to do when faced with decisions. We can talk to your student individually or along with their group of friends for a group chat in an informal setting covering all of the do’s and don’ts.

You can’t wait to have the tough convos until after they are facing discipline or consequences; let’s talk before.


Ever feel like your kid just doesn’t want to hear it from you, but needs someone to talk to them? We would love to have an age appropriate info session on navigating the seriousness & consequences of common issues such as sexting, bullying, consent, vaping.


At the end of middle school & in high school, things are getting more complicated! Teens face more serious legal risks through sexual activity, social media, messaging, criminal activity, hazing, & more. Learn what to do now to give confidence in decision making.


Adults! Which means: adult criminal records. Financial risks. Housing problems. Career trajectories… College students are facing a myriad of issues in navigating cheating, codes of conduct, Title IX sexual misconduct, & permanent reputational harm. Meet with us now to avoid hiring us later.

“we all have been so impacted by this information… it is must-see Tv.”

Parent of a middle school student; September 2023